Monday, September 20, 2010

Food, Friends, and Music

As a mom, how do you keep up with your talents and skills?  It is soooo hard.  Like most women, I have let my talents slide as I gear most of my attention to raising my young family.  But recently I have been inspired by a good friend of mine.  Jen is an excellent violinist.  And even though she is raising three young children, just like me, she manages to find time to practice and perform, unlike me. 

She recently invited a group of friends over for a house concert, and it was such a great night!  We started the evening out with some delicious Spanish food, then she played a selection of Spanish music.  It was wonderful!  It was a great date night, a fun time to mingle with friends, and a wonderful recital!  Why are we not doing more activities like this?  It is such a good way to enjoy time with friends and family, and keep up our skills.

So we are now planning a Christmas recital together.  Nothing big.  It will be held in her home, and each family will prepare some songs to perform for the rest of the group.  Not exactly the crowds I used to perform for, but it will at least get me motivated to spiff my act up a bit!

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