Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bearing Testimony through Song.

One of the things I love most about being the music director for Relief Society is leading the music during our Sunday meetings, and making eye contact with the women of my ward.  It brightens my day to see their eyes smiling back at mine as we sing praises to our Lord.  I often feel their testimonies through their singing and through their contact with me.  Sometimes I am very moved by these experiences, and feel the spirit strongly.

I wanted all the women in RS to experience this, so for a music spot I had them sing the first verse of I Know That My Redeemer Lives (pg. 136) facing eachother.  At first they seemed a little hesitant.  (Not that I can blame them, as my music spots are not conventional!)  But they quickly realized why I had them do this.  The conversation that followed was very moving as they shared their feelings about the exercise.  They too felt eachothers' testimonies shining through the music.  Many of the women also shared that they felt closer and more connected to the women they had made eye contact with during the song. 

In the matter of two minutes testimonies were shared, friendships were strengthened, and spirits were fed.  That my friends, is the power of music.

1 comment:

  1. Marie-this is such a great idea. I will suggest it to our music leader.
